Thursday, April 28, 2011

The sky is done!

I am happy to say I was only about a week off my personal deadline of getting the sky done before April break.   

A big THANK YOU to about 20 students and Youth Arts parents who came in on a rainy Wednesday and really got a lot finished.  We had a great time and finished with pizza...always a good way to end.  

The pictures below are taken from Tuesday's work session.   The sky is almost complete and we are falling in love with the swaths of colors in the shallow water color mix.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pictures this week!

Shallow water has been glued down and the sky is almost complete.
A typical size crowd at schooner time

With this many kids thank goodness it is 20 ft long!

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

One of the greatest movies ever (agreed) but none of the 3 things listed in the title are in the mosaic yet it SIMPLY had to be the title.    I just spent the majority of my lunch taking footage of the mosaic with my andriod phone,  posting it to youtube,  copying from youtube to my desktop using,   importing it to imovie to give it background music, posting it back on youtube to finally bring you this-

Phew!  I am technologically tuckered!
The quality is not great and the music is what I had in my itunes library BUT it is a start and has inspired me to take more videos as this mosaic takes shape.

Back to gluing tiles...