Panel measures 2 1/2' X 5'

Here it is!
On May 10 the first panel out of the 8 was finished.
This was a very exciting benchmark to reach. I just counted the amount of school days left to work on it and it is only 16 but we are not stressed! We all feel the end is near as the final swirls of turquoise and cobalt blue in the ocean get glued down.
June 6- Michael Roy from Phi Designs will hang and frame the mosaic in the cafeteria
June 10- it will be grouted by Frank from Belfast EBS
I am not posting anymore pictures in the final days but hope everyone who is interested will attend the Camden-Rockport Middle School Fine Arts Night on June 14 from 5-8.
The official unveiling will be from 5-5:30pm.
We started thinking about this project in October
Ordered Materials in November
Started working on it in December
From December-May
200 students have worked on it!
AND we will finish it in June!
A true school community collaboration
that will bring beauty to our learning environment
for years to come.
Thank you all for following the blog and I hope to see you on June 14! An enormous thank you to Youth Arts and Lana Arau, Michele Orne, Ingrid Ellison, Jenn Iott and Susan Taylor. These parent volunteers made this happen and I will miss seeing them every week. What's next year ladies?
-Kristen Andersen
One very proud art teacher!
Panel measures 2 1/2' X 5'